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About Blinky

Welcome to Blinky, a company founded by a team of five innovative and ambitious students who are passionate about improving the safety of cyclists. Our company was born out of a shared frustration with the lack of safe and reliable cycling equipment on the market, particularly for those who commute to work or school by bike.

Astro Odyssee

At Blinky, we believe that cycling should be a safe, sustainable, and enjoyable mode of transportation for everyone. That's why we have developed a range of innovative products, including our signature turn signal system, Blinky. This system is designed to enhance cyclist visibility on the road and reduce the risk of accidents, particularly in low-light conditions.

The Team

Our team is made up of individuals with diverse backgrounds and skill sets, including engineering, design, and business. We work together to bring our products from conception to reality, and are constantly striving to innovate and improve our offerings. We are committed to sustainability and ethical business practices, and aim to make cycling safer and more accessible for all.

Casper ten Holder

Casper is an exceptional programmer with a keen eye for detail. He is a critical thinker who is able to identify potential issues and develop creative solutions to address them. Casper is an asset to our team and we rely on his expertise to help us develop innovative and effective products. His contributions have been invaluable to the success of Blinky.


Daan Doeleman

As a member of our team, Daan brings extensive knowledge of microcontrollers and a talent for organization. He is responsible for overseeing the technical aspects of our products and ensuring that they are executed flawlessly. Daan is a key player in our success and we are fortunate to have him on our team.


Luka van Hoeven

Luka is a critical thinker with a talent for visual design. He is able to create products that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Luka's attention to detail and creative approach to design make him an invaluable member of our team.


Gijs de Waal

A skilled designer with a meticulous eye for detail, Gijs is an expert at assessing risks and developing creative solutions to complex problems. His ability to think carefully and strategically has been invaluable to the success of our team.


Luuk Wessels

Luuk is a highly rational and reliable team member with a great talent for critical thinking. He has a knack for problem-solving and is able to identify potential issues before they become problems. Luuk is an essential member of our team, helping us to develop products that are not only effective but also safe and reliable.


Thank you for visiting Blinky. We invite you to explore our products and get in touch with us to learn more about our mission and how we can work together to make cycling safer and more sustainable.